GPI Messages
18 october, godz. 16:14
National coal indexes - information about quotation from August 2022
The PSCMI1 index in August 2022 amounted to 641,36 PLN/t (in qualitative terms 30,36 PLN/GJ). The PSCMI2 index amounted to 1 338,35 PLN/t (in qualitative terms 54,75 PLN/GJ). -
3 october, godz. 15:35
National coal indexes- information about quatation from August 2022
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19 november, godz. 12:41
The Exchange Information Platform becomes an Inside Information Platform
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GPI - Maintenance Activity - 04.10.2021 13:00-14:00
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Message details
18 october, 16:14
National coal indexes - information about quotation from August 2022
The PSCMI1 index in August 2022 amounted to 641,36 PLN/t (in qualitative terms 30,36 PLN/GJ). The PSCMI2 index amounted to 1 338,35 PLN/t (in qualitative terms 54,75 PLN/GJ).
The values of the PSCMI1 and PSCMI2 indices presented for August 2022 show a significant increase compared to the previous month.
It is related to the process of renegotiating previously concluded contracts for coal supplies in terms of its value, which some coal companies carried out in connection with the situation on the coal market. The result was a series of corrections to previously issued invoices. The value of these adjustments has been included in the August accounting entries. This resulted in an increase in the value of coal sold, with the volume relating only to this month. As a consequence, there was a significant increase in the average selling price calculated on their basis.
An analysis of the additional data on the value of coal sold provided by coal companies made it possible to conclude that the value of fine coal assortments of the sold coal increased due to adjustments.
Without these adjustments, the value of the indices would be respectively 475,05 PLN/t and PLN 656,59 PL/t.