GPI Messages
14 december, godz. 13:55
Information regarding power data system
Please note that since the beginning of December 2023, data of the power system (PSE) has not been published on the GPI platform until further notice. -
30 may, godz. 20:03
GPI new version - 30.05.2023
Please be advised that on 30.05.2023, the new version of the GPI system was implemented. -
30 may, godz. 12:20
GPI - Maintenance Activity - 30.05.2023 14:00-16:00
GPI - Maintenance Activity - 30.05.2023 14:00-16:00 -
19 january, godz. 13:46
Outages report - information
Please be advised that at the moment the summing of values in the outages report is not displayed until further notice. We will keep you informed about the next stages. -
19 january, godz. 11:51
GPI - Maintenance Activity - 19.01.2023 13:00-13:30
The unavailability is planned for day 19.01.2023 from 13:00 to 13:30.
Message details
30 may, 12:20
GPI - Maintenance Activity - 30.05.2023 14:00-16:00
Please be informed that due to the planned service work of the GPI Platform by TGE, there may be temporary problems with the connection.
The unavailability is planned for day 30.05.2023 from 14:00 to 16:00.